Leaf Guard Protection

Alurex Leaf Guard Systems prevent debris, snow and ice entering the gutter, meaning it will never block again and will always flow freely. Permanent, cost effective and guaranteed for 25 years.

The best gutter protection on the market

Gutters that use the T-Rex system are closed and seamless. Unlike gutters installed with nails or hooks, which are left open and exposed, gutters equipped with T-Rex continuous hangers are solid and protected from leaves, debris, snow and ice.

The T-Rex M-5200 comes with a lifetime manufacture and sturdiness warranty in addition to a 40-year clog-free warranty.

Just a small additional investment will increase gutter life and help protect them against damage caused by heavy snowfall and ice expansion inside the gutter. In addition to requiring much less maintenance, your gutters will flow smoothly year-round, ensuring that water doesn’t get under the roof or too close to your home’s foundation.


Four seasons Gutter Clean System

It will not sink into the rain gutter under the weight of snow or debris. A rain gutter that is clogged with snow in the winter will not work properly. The Gutter Clean System keeps gutters free of snow and ice so that they drain normally when it rains or the weather warms up.

Water infiltration prevention

During rain or winter warm spells, the Gutter Clean system keeps gutters draining freely so that water will not seep into your home or spill onto the ground, causing major damage to your foundations and roof.

Leaf Guard Protection

Closed gutters

T-Rex prevents debris from clogging gutters and causing water to overflow and seep into your roof and foundation.

Leaf Guard Protection

Sturdy gutters

T-Rex helps gutters last longer by preventing damage caused by the freeze/thaw cycle and the weight of snow.

Leaf Guard Protection

Alu-Perf technology

The perfect balance between drainage and protection from debris. The perforations in the Gutter Clean System can efficiently drain any storm without overflowing.

Leaf Guard Protection

Weatherproof aluminium

Does not rust, crack, chip or warp! Will not fall into the eavestrough under the weight of snow and debris.

For your free no obligation quotation and survey or to find out more about our Leaf Guard Protection, please give us a call on 02392 230 055 or send us an email info@guttercareuk.com

Please fill in the contact form below to make an enquiry

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